And Then

Thoughts Began To Fly

I hate God!

Published by Aakarsh under on Saturday, May 19, 2007
She played with her friends for quite some time.
when her mother came to pick her up, at her school,
it was time to say Good-Bye.

When her mother was driving,
the 7-year old girl complained that she was feeling hungry.
Her mother assured that she would pick something,
for her...

Suddenly, everyone on the road came running.
The mother turned back...
The girl fell down, under the bus.

On the hospital bed, with blood-stained body shivering,
vomitting blood all over, the little girl could still talk...
with folded hands, she pleaded the doctors,
"please save me...i want to live...Please..."
the doctors tried their best,
and came out of the room, with moist eyes...

It was Life's say her.
She was just 7.
didnt see much world...didnt see much life...
but wanted to live...desperately.
Yet, she died.

Whose mistake was it?

I hate God!


Gandaragolaka said... @ Tuesday, May 29, 2007 12:18:00 PM

It is not easy to understand life... there is no personal tragedy great enough, however heart-wrenching may it be, that will stop humanity from being as it is.

We can only humour ourselves by being in the grief for a while, only for a while, for we are made to inevitably move on. We do not have a choice.

Anonymous said... @ Thursday, May 31, 2007 4:07:00 PM

comeon dude... To hate God u have to believe in the existence of God.and if you do, you know that there is a balancing act going on every single second.
We really do not have a chance

Ananth said... @ Sunday, June 03, 2007 11:57:00 PM

"Yet, she died." This sentence, ironically, explains the concept of destiny. To believe in destiny, you need to believe in the existence of a controller. It is because the controller is in direct contact with your self, that you see such unacceptable things happening around you. And if you believe in the controller, you believe in your self.
Needless to say, we all call the controller GOD. So the expression of your hatred really doesn't cross your self. Do you hate yourself?

Anonymous said... @ Thursday, November 01, 2007 1:03:00 PM

There is no god. If you examine nature you will see that only a certain type of creature proliferates in any way near the way humans do. Food animals. Farm Animals. Cockroaches are shamed in comparison. There is a being or group of beings for whom your personal experience, or awareness is the equivalent of sugar. Or spice, or food, or drugs. you have no control anymore than a cow can survive in the wilds of Africa. You have been bred this way, for generations. Have you noticed that even the most extreme suffering in humanity is a trifle? There is a pitifully small distance between a modern day human's bliss and her (his) misery. Imagine a cow trying to out run a wild lion. That is your chance at enlightenment, or freedom. You are more destined for this harvest than a thrown rock is for the bottom of a lake. We need a psychedelic messiah. A destructive space virus, or cataclysmic cosmic event. And I don't mean in our realm of awareness, much beyond it. If you were able to suspend your preset fixations, you would see the absurdly obvious truth of what I have said here. If there was a god I would surely hate him or her or it. I would joyously torture it given the opportunity. I would kick that motherfucker in the balls. What a silly notion to voice in the face of certain doom.

Shweta said... @ Saturday, December 13, 2008 7:28:00 PM

maybe what happened was justified in some sense of weirdness and grand scheme of things. Maybe this world is just too awful to harbor happiness and innocence of kids anymore...maybe she is better off being a soul in a tree...oh no wait...we dont leave those alone either....

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