And Then

Thoughts Began To Fly

Future Leaders

Published by Aakarsh under on Friday, August 10, 2007
This is real India...An India, which is shining...which is growing...and emerging.

Indian politicians readily take things into hand and no politician from any country has the courage and audacity to take things into hand in the way Indian politicians do. We should be proud of such people and all the more, we should be proud of ourselves, because we made them our leaders.

Take my word, India has a great future, with leaders like these. Because just unlike the leaders in our history, these leaders do not go to jail. They can never be imprisoned...whatsoever. And we WILL vote for them. They will become future ministers and will rule this nation, much like the same way they were enforcing their rule in the video.

India will shine more...grow more... and rise to a level where no other country can reach.
Be proud about this country...and its people.
I am.

FYI: Dont be disappointed by the fact those leaders in the Video have been arrested. They were granted bail by our Great Judiciary, within minutes. My Great India!


Published by Aakarsh under on Sunday, August 05, 2007
"An eye for an eye, makes the whole world Blind" - M.K.Gandhi.

Is it wrong? or Is it right?
Does it make any difference at all, today?
The people of my country are already blind...
