And Then

Thoughts Began To Fly

Truncated Thoughts

Published by Aakarsh under on Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life happens only once.And it is up to us to make the most out of it, by what we do, what we want to do and the people we choose to share moments with . Just one life! And still, it is strange that people have hundred reasons to  enjoy chasms and negativities instead of enjoying life by instilling more positivities, togetherness, good friendships, good dreams and a feel-good inclusive attitude. Why do people always look for a reason to break, instead of making something? Be it a relationship or society or life or whatever. There is always a disintegration instead of consolidating and making the existing things stronger. People are not happy with relationships, they break. Families are not happy with the generation gaps and they break. The less I talk about society, the better, for it has always been disintegrating. Why cant people live life normally, in a simple and healthy way, drawing all the good things of their life (be it goals, or people or whatever) into their orbits and by having fun with them? Do we have multiple chances to live life? no... Just one and yet, people make such idiotic choices to please some idiosyncratic moment or idiosyncratic facet of their personality, calling it "the best thing for the moment". A moment doesnt make a lifetime right.

Life as such has its own way of getting back at us. Disappointments are always there, that arise out of chances or situations or from certain sequences of events which are outside our control. Then why cant people manage things that are atleast in their control? Why do people want disappointments apart from the ones that life throws at us? Every person has his own path of life, which will come to an end one day. Then what exactly are people chasing? A good quality of life. It can be in any form, but what ultimately matters is a good quality of life, characterised by happiness, wise choices, intellectual enrichment, fun, affections, people, ability to whatever we want to do and ofcourse the contentment. Are all these threads too difficult to keep? Do we have to compromise on something to get another? or Do we have to ruin one element to win another? Even 2 sworn enemies will smile at each other, may be, when they are at the gateway of death. Then what would make people foment so much negativity in their lives, when they have just 1 lifetime to lead? Why cant people just be, with all the good things that matter to them? Afterall it is just One Life and people are still caught up with the micro-level negative aspects instead of weaving beauty by dwelling more on macro-level aspects of living.

Either I am wrong in expecting all this? Or I need another land/planet to dwell with my idealism, if people call it so.

Living is a customisable art, that no 'art of living' course can teach. But why is that not many want to be an artist in that! And I am disappointed with that.


Anonymous said... @ Friday, October 30, 2009 10:04:00 AM

strongly disagree with "A moment doesn't make a lifetime right"...
also, my opinion is that ur write-up is highly convenient, one sided and "told-you-so" types. as ever, over-analytical, objective and impractical. but again, this is what i think, and for all one knows, i could be "caught up with the micro-level negative aspects".


Aakarsh said... @ Monday, November 02, 2009 3:42:00 PM


My whole point is based on the aphorism that - "Friendship lies in not just holding hands while agreeing on things;It lies more strongly in holding hands while disagreeing on things". Strange that people don't realize that and let the time pass with an indifference.

You think it is impractical,then it is. I think it is practical,and it is,for me.It might be a post written with a frustrated state of mind,yet i don't find it impertinent or unreasonable.And if it is one-sided,I am curious to know if there can be an other side, to this thought?A 'better' other side, that is.

Anonymous said... @ Tuesday, November 03, 2009 9:42:00 AM

don't even talk about **betters** and worses...primarily, it is relative.

about your aphoristic angle and the "Strange that people don't realize that and let the time pass with an indifference" part... nevermind.

indifference you say, naturalism i still maintain.

like they say...
**i know i blew it
i know you knew it**

you knew it...right?


Aakarsh said... @ Wednesday, November 04, 2009 10:10:00 AM

It is the same natural self of mine that penned this post and the same naturalism still subscribes to every thought expressed.There seems to be some difference between what my natural self is talking and yours.And that difference,sadly,is not treated with who/whats the casualty here? You know it right!

Haddock said... @ Monday, March 29, 2010 11:32:00 PM

well some of the points are valid.

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