And Then

Thoughts Began To Fly

A New Puppet in My House

Published by Aakarsh under on Saturday, July 21, 2007
We have a new puppet in my house,
taking charge as the head of the house...
and this time, its a lady puppet...

i heard that the puppet is very notorious,
and despite knowing that fact,
the care-takers of my house did their best,
to make that puppet, the head of my house...

Anyways, what have i got to do with it...
my house has been heading for shambles since long...
thanks to so many puppets and care-takers...

i sit back to enjoy the evening, talking to my friend,
recounting the many dreams and visions of my room-mates.
My friend asked me to tell a story...
and thus i started telling one,
- " In olden days, there used to be something called Conscience......."


Ananth said... @ Wednesday, July 25, 2007 10:45:00 AM

Hmmm....may be there's something to do with 'being' a puppet to be the head of the house....enjoy the freedom should I say?

Anonymous said... @ Friday, January 25, 2008 8:48:00 PM

In the olden days, there used to be something called conscience!!

- Balanuj

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