And Then

Thoughts Began To Fly

Value of a Value-Added Service

Published by Aakarsh under on Thursday, April 20, 2006
No matter how hard we try to make some things happen, something just snaps in the end. so does our patience. Owing to some career obligations, i was too preoccupied on my mind which kept me away from blogging all the while.To be brutally honest with my ownself, i can blog everyday and i would like it...Afterall tis is my own page which i wuld love/hate to look after 'n' (n=1-30 days/months/years) years. But now that something has really snapped, i feel very relieved to come back to my ownself. Now i think-" do i blog only when life hits on two extremes?". I think i must reorganise my time so that i can encapsulate my thoughts when i am swinging between these two extremes.Must give up this habit of writing only when my position becomes static at extremes.
As i typed along, just now, i received an SMS on my mobile. "Fall in Love-Service", by Airtel. One of those dating fundas, but i am amazed at that statement, "Fall in love service". Great, Kudos to those moronic brains who are making a business out of it. so, it is not just sex, even Love sells. and probably we all are running after the bigbucks only to buy these pseudo-feelings so that we can curl around in the compromise-zone and enjoy the life to bliss. Just read yesterday that the Mobile music market in valued at Rs.500 crores while the legal Music Industry in india itself is valued at Rs.700 crores. With lakhs of people switching over to mobile every month, the aue of Mobile music industry is expected to increase atleast by 30% in the coming year , which means it would be overtaking the actual Source. Now, if you are wondering what this mobile music industry means- Ring tones and caller back tones where the caller will get to listen to a song when he rings up someone.The Piracy thing has greatly impacted the legal music industry and now, with mobile music industry ready to overtake it, i guess it is going to hit the rocks.
We already have dating agencies, real and virtual, which facilitate/induce this so called "Love" (utter hogwash) and they are already minting great bucks, to the tune of billions.just imagine how would it be, if these "Fall-in-Love" services on mobile emerge as key-verticals in the Value added services in Mobile Market. How big the market could be? how many people would fall for it? and how would their mental-makeups change, once they flow/drown in this madness?How would they be, to talk with, if we meet them, sometime in future? how would the relationships be?the chemistry? the growth in them?More so, what would be the real Value of this Value-added-service called "Love", in our lives?


Kriti said... @ Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:36:00 PM

Fall in Love 'Service'??beautiful..what is the world coming to?doesnt look like there is any place for spontaneity and impulsive actions anymore!! every move is going to be calculated, with a purpose..its so depressing a thought!!!

hooliganking said... @ Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:20:00 PM

welcome to a mechanical world aakarsh. there's a saying better late than least now you realise that everything i mean EVERYTHING in this world is turning superficial and materialistic. even feelings. i cannot agree with kriti more here when she says its a depressing thought. but at least now u realise that the world is no longer as beautiful as we think it is!
if my falling in love is also arranged by a mobile service provider then i must say i am better off staying novice at this.i dont want to specialize .call me old fashioned but there are something's which i like he traditional way.
where is this world heading? tomorrow u'll find airtel arranging marriage as a wedding planner!! absurd thought but mite just come true.
frightening thought.sometimes i fear people mite not accept me the way i am because i mite be termed too old fashioned...who cares anyways? i like the way i am and i know despite all this tomfoolhardy around people will still believe in my kinda thoughts.people like u...i can trust them...cant i aakarsh?

hooliganking said... @ Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:26:00 PM

another thing... are we also falling prey to this mechanical grinding...u once commented in my blog that why am i not writing despite no acad pressures..has the creative juices dried up....?
well the answer is your blog..why do i have this urge of blogging only when i am either very happy or very down n depressed? that shows a sign of weakness,does it not?
i would love nothing better than blogging everyday.a blog is a not a diary but still it should have my feelings.. do i care how many people view my blog or comment? is my blog for the people or for my own expresions? so many thoughts gather all the time..should i not put in in writing? was it not the purpose of blogging when i started out? 5 months into it and already i am found lacking. sometimes i feel i made no mistake when i named my blog the moronic exuberance of it only that?

Sketchy Self said... @ Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18:00 PM

I held the thought long back that cell phones will come to replace certain vital "body parts". Think about it, the size, shape, the "vibrate" mode...and now it can even make you fall in love.
I wouldn't be surprised if it took over our personalities soon, so that if someone wanted to meet us, we could literally say "Talk to the hand." This is the bane of convenience and customer service: we are taught to expect someone/something else to do everything for us.

Om said... @ Friday, April 21, 2006 7:47:00 AM

Hi-Funda!! Wait a sec..Merchantable or value added service????
Huh!!"Cellu lo shrungaara beeeeat kottenaa, signaley dorakade katakataaaa......."

palamoor-poragadu said... @ Friday, April 21, 2006 10:15:00 PM

In distant past there was an ad for a coffee, MR coffee to be precise, going something like "Real pleasure does not come in an instant" and showing a very compromising position.

DO visit this link that describes what happened afterwards. Enjoy the info and the way it is written.

And no better person than sketchy to tell you what your phone may turn into when wished.

But for me, it is all somehow comforting, in an indirect way. Let the world run away and meanwhile I will keep slowing down my life, enjoy my rice grain by grain, moment by moment.

No, I don’t send/receive SMSes, somehow.

Sanjay Ravi said... @ Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:13:00 PM

I think its very sad. I feel that such a nice and beautiful expression of a human being is being sold. n that too over the mobile phone as a service. The only good thing about services are that they r not transferrable. but i dont know now what might happen. If they make services transferrable, then one person can pass on his love to the other by sending an 'sms' and being charged on his balance. What is happening?

hooliganking said... @ Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:21:00 PM

man to be truthful all mobile services in India suck!! if they actually concentrate on good network coverage that will be mighty all bogus!

Random Walker said... @ Monday, April 24, 2006 6:36:00 AM

"yeah!! we met thro fall-in-love-service. spoke at a chat room. (drank java coffee). watched her lovely eyes on spherically uncorrected webcams. use cell fones for intimacy. married thro a bureau online. she lives in timbuktoo and i in trincomaly. we have a virtual son we can both take care of right on our desktop. what are all these pple complainin abt?" --- duh!

Venu said... @ Friday, April 28, 2006 1:14:00 PM

Marketing Gimmicks, publicity stunt or whatever you call it, companies are adopting many new strategies to capture the market share but do you think even though the world is turning out to be mechanical as Bala said do we actually care about these funny messages which keep pestering us all day along..I am sure most of us do not even bother to read the even though there is a technological advancement we just dont care for certain things like the SMS thingy...and I still feel, feelings do have place in this world...

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