And Then

Thoughts Began To Fly

Divorce - (revisited)

Published by Aakarsh under on Wednesday, August 17, 2005
this never happened before, that i am reposting same writing again. so, it shows that even i have fallen in the recycling-trap. perhaps i would have written the same thing again, intact,same words..same phrases..if i had to write it today, to reflect the thoughts jammed in my mind.and i did exactly that.even before i could realize, i (re)wrote this one in my Financial Management Note Book, for some strange-inevitable-unknown reason..still eluding me.

like a companion, my shadow used to live with me.
but we have now divorced each other.

ever since my feet took me into dark trenches,
like a jilted lover,
it began grumbling dementedly,
that i no longer sought its companionship.

i quetched in return,
that i could walk alone,
in the bright paths, full of light...
but in dark, when i needed a companion,
it abandoned me, without leaving any trace.

my companion used to live with me,but..
my shadow and me--we have divorced each other now.

And the guy sitting next to me read it and asked,"heard about divorcing wife, but how can you divorce your shadow?".


Published by Aakarsh under on Monday, August 01, 2005
Among my thoughts, like a beautiful bride,
Poetry lights a lamp of bliss I hide.
Spraying moonlight perfumes, the shy moon beams,
Through the autumn veils of almond leaves,
Planting blue kisses on my eyes.
Every star studded behind the silvery edges of clouds,
As if the dark hands of ethereal sky,
Are adorned with diamond rings.
The still languor of the dizzy dew,
Contemplating for the careless caresses of the dawn…
Blind breezes brewed with jasmines,
Harping winter melodies, long forgotten,
Ceaselessly throbbing from their composer’s breath,
Touching my mood with placid incandescence,
Amidst which, my songs are lost to their depths,
In the gardens of nature and my emotions.
"Perhaps I share an emotional kinship with nature",
My thoughts assure me with pride...
Among those thoughts, like a beautiful bride,
Poetry lights lamps of bliss, I can no longer hide…
